Terms and Conditions

I. Introduction

The general terms and conditions of use of products and services of KB PRASAC Bank Plc. hereinafter called “KB PRASAC” is created for all KB PRASAC’s Clients hereinafter called “Client” to understand more about terms and conditions of use of products and/or services of KB PRASAC hereinafter called the “General Terms and Conditions” before applying for products and services of KB PRASAC.

From the date of signing any application form to use products and/or services of KB PRASAC and in case the Client instructs KB PRASAC without using any KB PRASAC’s application form or document, the Client is assumed to have read and accepted all terms and conditions stated in this general terms and conditions and other specific terms and conditions of each product and/or service provided by KB PRASAC.

The Client may directly call our Call Center at 023/086 999 911 or approach our professional staff at any office for further detailed information if he/she is not clear about any point stated in this General Terms and Conditions.

I. Key Terms
Refers to KB PRASAC Bank Plc.
  • Client
Refers to account holder(s) or non-account holder(s) who uses KB PRASAC Products and Services.
  • Account
All types of Savings Account and/or Current Account and/or Term Deposit Account which the Client opened with KB PRASAC.
  • Joint Account
Any jointed account opened in the name of two or more persons.
  • Account Holder
Refer to individual person(s) or entity(s) who open account(s) with KB PRASAC.
  • Joint-Account Holder
Refer to Client who jointly open account(s) as joint account member(s).
  • Deposit
A sum of money in bank account held with KB PRASAC.
  • Account Statement
A summary report of banking transactions occurred within a given period of time.
  • Account Documents
Any document including but not limited to the passbook for Saving Account, the certificate for Term Deposit Account or any other forms/applications created by KB PRASAC.
  • Current Account 
Is an account that uses for settlement by using check for all types of settlements.


III. General Terms and Condition of Use of KB PRASAC Products and Services

  1. Account Type:
    You can choose to open any account at KB PRASAC the following accounts:

    1. Deposit Account
      • Savings Account
      • Unfixed Deposit Account
      • Flexi Growth Savings Account
      • Payroll Account
      • Digital Account
      • FI Business Account
      • Merchant Savings Account and others
    2. Term Deposit Account
      • Term Deposit Account (Maturity Growth and Monthly Growth)
      • FI Term Deposit Account (Maturity Growth and Monthly Growth)
      • Savings Plan Account
      • Kid Growth Savings Account
      • Employee Savings Account and others.
    3. Current Account
      • Current Account
      • Premium Current Account and others.
  2.  Account Opening
    • When opening an account with KB PRASAC, the Client is required to fill in account application form, provide specimen/thumbprint, identification document(s) and other required document(s) requested by KB PRASAC.
    • The Client agrees to maintain minimum account balance as per KB PRASAC’s requirement.
    • To open an account through KB PRASAC Mobile Application, the client is not required to fill out an application forms, but the client has to comply with the Terms and Conditions which presented in the KB PRASAC Mobile Application or other electronic methods provided by KB PRASAC before making decision of account opening.
  3. Joint Account
    • Joint account is a kind of individual account which is jointly owned by at least 2 account holders.
    • Each such person shall be deemed as account holder of that account, and shall be jointly responsible for all obligations or liabilities of that account toward KB PRASAC.
  4. Corporate Account
    • Corporate Account is an account which is opened under the name of corporate, private enterprises, state enterprises, Ministries/Departments, Government Institutions, NGOs, CSOs, and other development projects that are legally established.
    • The Account name must be well set based on the name of the corporation as stated on a certificate from Ministry of Commerce or other relevant legal documents issued by the competent authorities.
    • The authorized person who can conduct any transaction on the account shall be appointed by the directors of the Company or Board of Director.
  5. Dormant Account
    • An account will be treated as dormant account if it does not have any transaction, other than the transactions made by KB PRASAC, within a period of 365 consecutive days.
    • The Client authorizes KB PRASAC to debit or deduct any fees related to dormant account from the Client’s account at KB PRASAC’s sole discretion.
    • The Client also acknowledges and agrees that any dormant account with zero or under zero balance will be automatically closed by KB PRASAC without prior notice to the Client.
    • In accordance with the Law on Banking and Financial Institutions, KB PRASAC is required to transfer funds of any Clients’ account which have no transaction for 10 consecutive years to the National Bank of Cambodia for continue administration.
  6. Required Information of Account holder
    • When requesting for opening any account and/or using any service of KB PRASAC, the Client is required to provide his/her personal information to KB PRASAC based on request and the Client shall ensure that all information provided to KB PRASAC is true, correct and up-to-date.
    • In case there is any change to the provided information, the Client must immediately inform in writing to KB PRASAC.
    • The Client acknowledges and allows KB PRASAC to provide their information to third parties in any certain circumstance, which is required by KB PRASAC, by the order of the court or competent authorities.
    • The Client agrees to cooperate and provide all relevant supporting documents to enable KB PRASAC to comply with its obligations for Anti-Money Laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT).
  7. The Request for Amendment of Client information and the Client Notification
    • The Client can request KB PRASAC in writing to amend or update his/her information.
    • KB PRASAC is not liable for any damage or loss resulted from any change of personal information made by the Client without giving any notice to KB PRASAC.
    • The change of information can be adding or removing joint account holder(s), the change of account mandatory instruction, account holder’s identification document, phone number, e-mail and/or any other information, which is different from their initial information provided to KB PRASAC when opening account.
  8. Deposit
    • KB PRASAC allows the account holder to deposit by cash, Check or Banker’s Check or transfer from any account or KHQR Code or any other methods approved by KB PRASAC.
    • Client can deposit money at any counter, POS Terminal, Cash Deposit Machine and any other means that KB PRASAC will have them available in the future.
    • In the event that KB PRASAC receives counterfeit, old, torn, damaged or deformed note via the Cash Deposit Machine (CDM), KB PRASAC reserves the right to hold the payment transaction or withdraw the note or contact the Client to replace new note(s), or decrease value of the notes. KB PRASAC reserves the right to block balance of any suspicious note until the customer comes to solve the problem, reverses transaction, or authorizes KB PRASAC to automatically charge fee in case the customer does not come to solve the problem per request from KB PRASAC.
    • KB PRASAC may also reject any deposit transaction(s) in case KB PRASAC suspicious the source of that fund.
    • The Client agrees to pay fee charge for cross branch transaction (if any) based on the rate determined by KB PRASAC.
  9.  Transfer / Withdrawal
    • The Client can withdraw in cash or check or Banker’s Check or transfer fund from his/her own account held with KB PRASAC by filling in withdrawal or transfer slip properly at any KB PRASAC’s office.
    • Withdrawals or Transfers via KB PRASAC Mobile Application and/or ATM card are allowed if client requests to use by following its specific terms and conditions.
    • The Client may request to withdraw or transfer fund from his/her account with different currency, unless otherwise agreed by KB PRASAC, and KB PRASAC’s standard exchange rate will be applied.
    • The Client agrees to pay fee charge for cross branch withdrawal/transfer per KB PRASAC prevailing rate, which is available at any KB PRASAC branch or official website: www.kbprasacbank.com.kh.
    • KB PRASAC reserves all rights to reject any withdrawal or transfer transaction if the Client does not properly fill in withdrawal or transfer slip, or the account is blocked or frozen by the order of court, the National Bank of Cambodia, or any other relevant authorities.
    • In the event of Client’s death, the Client agrees and allows KB PRASAC to exercise its discretion to disclose information, withdraw or not withdraw money from the Client’s account(s) to children and/or spouse and/or parent(s) of the Client. Withdrawals are possible based on KB PRASAC policies or court order(s).
  10. Overdraft Facility (Minus balance withdrawal)
    • The account holder shall always maintain credit balance (greater than zero) at all time or at the minimum balance requirement determined by KB PRASAC except otherwise KB PRASAC agrees to provide overdraft facility to the Client.
    • The interest shall be daily calculated based on the total amount overdrawn multiply by standard overdraft interest rate from time to time determined by KB PRASAC. The unpaid interest will be capitalized each month and added to principal for the purpose of subsequent interest calculation.
    • The Client agrees to repay for any overdrawn amount at any time upon demand by KB PRASAC.
  11. Check
    • Please keep the Check Book in a safe place and notify the bank immediately in case of lost or stolen.
    • Must have a sufficient balance in the account every time a check is issued. Issuing a check with insufficient balance is a criminal offense.
    •  Handwritten information should be clear and legible, and possible written in non-erasable black or dark blue ink. Avoid using glossy or erasable pens or pencils.
    • Do not sign on the check in advance without using it.
    • Both the front and the back of the check for the bank, please do not writing, cutting, ripping, staple, stamping, chemical substances that may affect to the machine readings.
    • Do not scratch or erase the numbers and special marks on the code line in the exposed area.
    • Do not fold and tear the check, especially in the code line section.
    • The use of the back of the check is only allowed for sections for banks and customers.
    • To modify any statement, the Client must cross out the modified statements, and sign above the corrected parts, avoid using eraser or scratch.
    • Check can be cleared at any time regardless of the posted date. The check is valid for 06 months from the date of check issued.
    • The bank reserves the right to close/suspend the account if the account holder issues check with insufficient balance or use check for illegal purposes.
    • Any Check returned with no or insufficient funds is subject to apply the fee charge following the Bank’s conditions. The customer agrees to allow the bank to debit the service fee from the customer’s account automatically
    • The bank will upload the information of the returned check into the Reporting System of Credit Bureau Cambodia (CBC) based on the Prakas of the Nation Bank of Cambodia.
    • The bank will not allow to close an account based on the request of client if the client has issued a check but it has not yet been presented for payment before the request for closing of his/her account.
  12. International Banking Services
    • KB PRASAC offers International Banking Services such as International Fund Transfer, Trade Finance and other relevant services.
    • Client can request for using International Banking Services at any KB PRASAC branch or through KB PRASAC digital channels or other means that are allowed by KB PRASAC.
    • KB PRASAC reserves rights to define daily and/or transaction limits on using of International Banking Service based on the conditions and specific transaction of each service.
    • Client shall ensure and be responsible for disclosing his/her information and provide the correct and accurate documents as required by KB PRASAC and be responsible accordance with the laws of the Kingdom of Cambodia as well as the International Laws on requesting International Fund Transfer and ensure that the transaction is made by yourself.
    • Client have unconditionally agreed to compensate, refund, and repay to KB PRASAC against on all commission fees, claims, demands, losses, expenses, liabilities, obligations, and other compensations arising from your International Banking transaction.
    • KB PRASAC may refuse or delay to make any transactions if KB PRASAC believes that the transaction is related to goods / services or activities that are against the national or international law and/or directly/indirectly with any person/entity/country that is illegal/sanctioned.
  13. Payment Order
    • The account holder may submit his/her written payment order to KB PRASAC’s office or KB PRASAC Mobile or KB PRASAC Corporate or ATM Card or Debit Card or others by providing sufficient and correct information of the beneficiary.
    • KB PRASAC is not liable for any loss due to improper or insufficient information provided by the Client on payment order.
  14. Blocking Account or Account Balance
    KB PRASAC will block the account or balance of the Client if:

    • There is a written request made by the Client
    • Client’s request through phone call to Customer Service Officer (Call Center) either KB PRASAC client or other bank clients in case client transfers or deposits to wrong account number at KB PRASAC.
    • By the order of the court, the National Bank of Cambodia or competent authorities.
  15. Unblocking Account or Account Balance
    KB PRASAC shall unblock the account or balance for the Client if:

    • KB PRASAC obtains written request made by the account holder (in case the account was blocked upon the Client’s request), or
    • Accordingly, to the resolution on dispute of transferring or depositing to wrong account number or
    • By the order of the court, the National Bank of Cambodia or competent authorities.
  16. Service Fees
    • The account holder is obliged to pay all applicable fees and charges as defined in KB PRASAC standard rate based on the types and conditions of products and services.
    • KB PRASAC shall debit the above service fee from the Client’s account without obtaining prior approval from the Client such as but not limit to the penalty fee, interest, tax, commission and any other fees payable by the Client to KB PRASAC.
    • The Client may find KB PRASAC standard pricing or service fee list at any KB PRASAC branch or KB PRASAC website at www.kbprasacbank.com.kh or contact our call center via 023/086 999 111.
  17. Interest Rate on Deposit
    •  KB PRASAC will calculate and credit all accrued interest amount into Client account based on standard interest rate of each account type defined by KB PRASAC.
    • Interest will be calculated daily on outstanding balance divided by 365 days per annum and based on the currency of the account.
    • The accrued interest will be credited into the Client’s account monthly, yearly or at the maturity date based on specific account type when Client close his/her account with KB PRASAC.
  18. Service Fee, Interest Rate, Limitation, Conditions Amendment and Notification
    • KB PRASAC reserves the right to amend the service fees, interest rate, limitation and/or other terms and conditions and/or other services applied to the Client’s account with prior notice to the Client as required by law.
    • Without written complaint(s) from the Client during the above notice period, it is assumed that the Client agrees and accepts the amendment(s) immediately from the effective date of the amendment(s) published through one of below channels:
      • KB PRASAC Office and/or
      • KB PRASAC Official Website and/or social media and/or
      • SMS or E-mail
      • Advertisements on Newspapers, magazines, KB PRASAC Mobile Banking App, KB PRASAC Corporate or other methods chosen by KB PRASAC etc…
    • The Client is assumed that he/she has received a notification immediately after KB PRASAC has publicly announced via any of the above channels.
  19. Withholding Tax (Tax on Interest)
    • The Client is obliged to pay all relevant taxes in connection with interest earned from deposit.
    • The Client agrees and authorizes KB PRASAC to directly withhold the tax amount from his/her accounts without obtaining any consent from the account holder.
    • The withholding tax shall be made at the time KB PRASAC credits interest into the Client account based on actual tax rate determined by relevant Laws or Regulations.
  20. Deposit Limitation
    • Maximum deposit limitation per client is unlimited.
    • Transaction limitation is depended on each type of transaction which client can look for it in specific conditions of each service or looking for at KB PRASAC branch office nationwide or KB PRASAC official website.
  21. Currency
    • Client can open their accounts or conduct any transaction with below currencies:
      • Khmer Riel (KHR) and
      • US Dollar (USD)
    • Client can conduct the transaction in a cross currency, but it must follow actual exchange rate of the KB PRASAC in the transaction date.
  22. Exchange Rate
    • The Client can find KB PRASAC daily exchange rates posted at KB PRASAC branches, KB PRASAC Official Website, KB PRASAC Mobile Banking, KB PRASAC Corporate, or any other means provided by KB PRASAC.
    • Any transaction made with different currency, the Client agrees and accepts KB PRASAC standard exchange rate at the time of transaction.
  23. Account Closing
    • Any request to close an account shall be made by the account holder or by law or competent authority.
    • The Client agrees that any termination or redemption of any term deposit account before the maturity date, the interest to be earned will be decreased and KB PRASAC reserves all rights to determine the new interest rate for the Client.
  24. Account Documents (Savings Passbook/Certificate of Term Deposit)
    • The Client may request a saving passbook or customer account information card and/or a certificate of term deposit account, but the service fee will be determined by KB PRASAC.
    • The Client shall examine their account statement shown in the saving passbook and/or certificate of term deposit and shall immediately notify KB PRASAC within 14 days from the printing date if any discrepancy or alteration is found.
    • Without any notification from the Client, the account statement shall be considered correct and the Client has no rights to object or claim for any remedy against KB PRASAC.
    • KB PRASAC has the rights to make any adjustment to the erroneous entry in the saving passbook and such adjustment shall be immediately effective and valid for the Client.
    • If the passbook or certificate is lost, the Client shall notify KB PRASAC immediately in writing by specifying the time, date and place of the losing.
    • The Client will receive a new passbook or certificate of term deposit as replacement to the lost one, but he/she has to pay for a service fee set by KB PRASAC.
    • KB PRASAC shall not be liable to the Client or any third party if there is any transaction occurred before the date of notification.
  25. Account Statement
    • KB PRASAC will provide account statement to the Client upon request.
    • Client can request for account statement at KB PRASAC branch office or client can extract it from KB PRASC Mobile Banking or KB PRASAC Corporate or other means that are allowed by KB PRASAC.
    • The Client shall examine their account statement shown in the account statement and shall immediately inform KB PRASAC within 14 days from the printing date if any discrepancy or alteration is found.
  26. Rights to Offset
    • In addition to other specific agreement, KB PRASAC is entitled to debit any debt from the Client account without giving any prior notice. KB PRASAC will deduct any debt owed by the Client even though it is a joint or separated debt.
    • KB PRASAC reserves all rights to adjust or debit from the Client account for any deposit, withdrawal, transfer or any payment made with technical error or dispute’s transaction of transfer or deposit to wrong account without obtaining approval from the Client.
  27. Service Disruption and Force Majeure
    • KB PRASAC is not liable for any damage or loss arising due to system or equipment disruption.
    • Likewise, KB PRASAC shall not be responsible for any damage because of failure to perform its service or obligation due to force majeure.
  28. Professionalism and Confidentiality
    • KB PRASAC shall strictly keep all Client’s information confidential.
    • Without Client authorization, KB PRASAC will not release any personal information to any other third party, unless such request is required by law or competent authority.
    •  Client assures that they will respect/follow to the guidelines, instructions on how to use banking service of KB PRASAC and they must pay attention to the controlling and keeping of their personal information, assets, and documents related to accounts and the use of other banking services and they must not transfer or provide the bank information to anyone. Client is responsible directly over the losing that occurred from his/her carless and the sharing or transferring or providing his/her personal information/assets/documents.
  29. Anti-Money Laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorism and Crimes
    • KB PRASAC is obliged to fully comply with the laws and regulations related to Anti-Money Laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorism and Crimes.
    • KB PRASAC, at its sole discretion, may take any appropriate measure in order to comply with the laws and regulations in force.
    • The Client acknowledges and agrees that KB PRASAC may delay, block or refuse to process any transaction if KB PRASAC suspects that:
      • The transaction may breach any Cambodian or International law.
      • The transaction may be directly or indirectly involved with process or the purpose of performing unlawful conduct.
  30. Law
    • All provisions in this general terms and conditions shall be implemented in accordance with the laws and policy and procedure of KB PRASAC.
    • Invalidity or unenforceability of one or more provisions of this general terms and conditions shall not affect any other provisions of this general terms and conditions.
    • Any dispute that may arises from the difference in interpretation of this General Terms and Conditions between the Client (account holder) and KB PRASAC, shall be interpreted based on laws of the Kingdom of Cambodia.
    • All products and services of KB PRASAC shall be implemented based on this General Terms and Conditions. In case any provision in this terms and conditions contradict to the provision in the specific terms and conditions, the Specific Terms and Conditions of each product and service shall prevail.
    • This General Terms and Conditions are made in Khmer and English. In case there is any conflict or inconsistency between the two versions, Khmer language shall prevail.

  1. Introduction
    • The Terms and Conditions of using of KB PRASAC Mobile hereinafter referred to as “Terms & Conditions” is an agreement between the Client and KB PRASAC Bank Plc., referred to as “KB PRASAC” in connection with the use of KB PRASAC Mobile.
    •  Please carefully read the “Terms and Conditions” before clicking “Agree” to register to use the KB PRASAC Mobile.
    • When you click “Agree”, it means that you have read and accepted all the terms and conditions as per stated on these terms and conditions, and you are fully responsible for using KB PRASAC Mobile.
  2. Key Terms

    • Word “You or Client”
    Refers to account holders who have registered to use the KB PRASAC Mobile.
    • KB PRASAC Mobile
    Refers to KB PRASAC Mobile Application that allows you to open a new account (in case, customer doesn’t have an account) and/or register KB PRASAC Mobile App (in case customer has an existing account) and client can make financial transactions securely on their accounts at anywhere and anytime (24/7), which include transactions: Fund Transfer, Bill Payments, Mobile Top Up, Payment for goods / services, Check Account Balance Loan Submit Request or Open Term Deposit Account, etc.
    • KB PRASAC Mobile Application
    Refers to an KB PASAC Mobile Application on mobile phone which allows client to perform financial transactions on his/her savings account anytime (24/7) and anywhere.
    • Account
    Refers to any Savings Account that you have opened with KB PRASAC. It can be a Savings Account, Unfixed Deposit Account, Flexi Growth Savings Account, Payroll Account, Merchant Savings Account, Current Account, Premium Current Account etc.
    • Digital Account
    Is a kind of Savings Account which can be opened by newly client (who doesn’t have an account with KB PRASAC) by him/herself and client can use KB PASAC Mobile to make any transactions immediately.
    • Individual Account
    It is an Account which it is opened for personal use and perform transaction as needed.
    • Individual Single Account
    It is an Individual account which it is opened by a single accountholder.
    • Joint Account
    It is an Individual account which it is opened by two or more accountholder.
    • PIN
    It is a 6-digits Personal Identification Number (Numeric) that is determined directly by you when you register for using KB PRASAC Mobile. This PIN is used to login to KB PRASAC Mobile.
    • OTP
    It is One Time Password and it has 6-digit number code that is automatically generated by the system and send to your Mobile Phone number to approve the registration for using KB PRASAC Mobile or authorize any financial transactions which perform via KB PRASAC Mobile. This OTP code is valid for one time use only or one transaction.
    • Fingerprint/Facial Recognition
    It is a security system of Fingerprint or Facial recognition on Mobile Phone to identify clients when accessing phone or using KB PRASAC Mobile in addition to using a PIN. You can set for accessing your KB PRASAC Mobile with Fingerprint or Facial Recognition unless you have set this security when accessing your Mobile Phone in advance.
    • KHQR Code
    It is a QR Code which represents your Account Number or third party’s Account Number. It is used for receiving money or paying goods / services via Scan KHQR Code Function.
    • Cash-Code
    It is a type of Fund Transfer from Account to Phone Number, and you will be given a 6-digits code to withdraw cash through KB PRASAC ATM machines or Cash Deposit Machine or KB PRASAC POS (ATM Card is not required).
    • International Fund Transfer
    It is a transaction fund transfer to overseas around the world via SWIFT (The Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication).
    • Account Statement
    A summary report of banking transactions occurred with your account that you can view and download via KB PRASAC Mobile.
    • Force Majeure
    Refers to any event that is unforeseeable and external to the parties, and unavoidable which prevent any party or both parties from performing its obligation as stated in this Agreement such as volcano, flood, earthquake, hurricane, terrorism, riot, war…etc.
  3. Key Functions of KB PRASAC Mobile
    • Open a Digital Account (New customer who doesn’t have an account with KB PRASAC)
    • Register to use KB PRASAC Mobile by himself/herself for customers who have an account with KB PRASAC (Online Self-Registration) such as:
      • Single Account or
      • Joint Account with account signing condition “Anyone to sign”
    • Open more Savings Account
    • Online Self-Link and Delink Account
    • Fund Transfer between KB PRASAC Accounts
    • Fund Transfer to Other Local Banks
    • Fund Transfer to Bakong Wallet (Intra-bank or Interbank)
    • Cash-Code
    • International Fund Transfer
    • Payment for Goods/Services by scanning KHQR Code (Intra-bank or Interbank)
    • ATM QR Withdrawal
    • ATM QR Deposit
    • Bill Payment of Water, Electricity, Solid Waste, Education, etc.
    • Mobile Top Up
    • Open Term Deposit Account
    •  Change Rollover Option
    • Schedule Fund Transfer
    • Schedule Payment
    • Self-hide and Unhide Account
    • Shared Account Information and Deep link for fund transfer
    • Rename account title
    • Reactivation Dormant Account
    • Block Account
    • Repeat and Return Function
    • View KB PRASAC Card
    • Request KB PRASAC Card
    • Self-activate KB PRASAC Card
    • Reset Card PIN
    • Freeze and Unfreeze KB PRASAC Card
    • Upload KHQR Code of KB PRASAC or Other Banks which saved in Photo or Gallery for payment
    • Check Balance or Account Statement and Download
    • View Term Deposit Account and Loan Account
    • Download Loan Repayment Schedule
    • Loan Submit Request: Loan Against TD, Smart Loan, Payroll Loan & Loan Submit Request
    • Data Sponsor of Smart and Metfone
    • View Exchange Rate
    • Change PIN for log in KB PRASAC Mobile
    • Self-New PIN Reset
    • View ATM, Merchant & Branches location
    • Create template of Fund Transfer and Bill Payment
    • Other Information or new functions that will be launched in the future, etc.
  4. Opening of Digital Account (new customer who doesn’t have an account with KB PRASAC)
    • Customer can open Digital Account via KB PRASAC Mobile at any time (24/7) and everywhere.
    • Customer shall have the following criteria below:
      • Individual clients aged at least 16 years old
      • Khmer Nationality
      • Having owns personal phone number and smart phone
      • Having an original and valid Cambodian National Identification Card (NID)
      • Provide his/her personal information such as phone number, Full Name, Date of Birth, Sex, NID number, expired date and permanent address
      • Take a Selfie and taking a picture of Cambodian National Identification Card (NID) as per conditions required in the KB PRASAC Mobile App
      • Accept the “Terms and Conditions of using KB PRASAC Mobile”.
    • After self-opening Digital Account successfully, customer will receive two Digital Accounts automatically, which are KHR Account and USD Account.
    • The Customer, who can do self-open Digital Account via KB PRASAC Mobile, is classified as the “Partial KYC” that Account Balance and transaction’s limitation are set based on conditions to use of account bellow:
      • Annual Interest Rate: between 1.50 % to 4.00% based on Account balance
      • Interest Rate is accrued on a daily basis and liquidate monthly.
      • Withholding Tax: 4 %
      •  Not required Initial Deposit and Minimum Balance
      • Maximum Deposit Amount per Customer: USD Account 10,000 or KHR equivalent.
      • Transaction Limit via KB PRASAC Mobile per day or per transaction for customer: USD 3,000 or KHR 12,000,000.
    • The Customer can request to change the client classification from “Partial KYC” to “Full KYC” by just visiting at any nearest KB PRASAC branch office following the “Know Your Customer Procedure”.
    • After customer update to “Full KYC”, the customer can fully use his/her account without any limitation on depositing and use KB PRASAC Products and Services based on Terms and Conditions of each products and services.
    • Security & Safety of Opening the Digital Account
      • In the process of opening the Digital Account via KB PRASAC Mobile, the customer will receive a Dynamic Code / One-Time Password (OTP) with 6 digits that system will send it into the phone of the customer (phone number that customer use to register the Digital Account) to approve in account opening.
      • One-Time Password (OTP) will be filled in automatically by not requiring the customer to manually input it by him/herself.
      • KB PRASAC will send SMS to phone number of customers to inform on the Successful Opening Digital Account.
      • The identity document of customer will be verified by the Cambodia Data Exchange (CamDX) to ensure the validity and accuracy of the documents.
    • The deposit into Digital Account can be made by:
      • Deposit via Counter of KB PRASAC branch or
      • Deposit via Cash Deposit Machine (CDM) of KB PRASAC or
      • Transfer via KB PRASAC Mobile or other Banks app or
      • By other means provided by KB PRASAC.
    • Withdrawal or Other Transactions
      • Customer can perform every transaction via KB PRASAC Mobile.
      • In case customer wants to withdraw, he/she can transfer Cash-Code to receive 6 digits code or scan ATM QR code to withdraw cash via KB PRASAC ATM/CDM Machine.
      • Customer can do any transactions at KB PRASAC counter or use KB PRASAC Card unless customer requests to upgrade the client classification from “Partial KYC” to “Full KYC” in advance.
    • The Digital Account which has no transaction more than 365 days, will become a Dormant Account, and will charge a monthly fee that is shown on the official KB PRASAC Website. Dormant Account with zero balance will be automatically closed by the system.
    • The request for updating or revising of customer information or authorization in the account (adding more account holders…) or closing account, the customer is required to visit any nearest KB PRASAC branch by obtaining along with his/her original identity document for KB PRASAC Staff to verify.
  5. KB PRASAC Mobile Registration (For customers who have an account with KB PRASAC)
    • Registration Requirement
      • Individual clients aged at least 16 years old.
      • Have a Savings Account with KB PRASAC (Individual Single Account or Joint Account)
      • Must have a Smart Phone running on iOS or Android and a fully licensed phone number under your own name plus phone device and sim card number must be plugged-in together.
      • Require to install KB PRASAC Mobile App on your Smart Phone with a valid phone number officially registered with KB PRASAC at the time of account opening.
      • Require to correctly enter some necessary information such as Account Number, Date of Birth and Phone Number by following our registration guideline.
      • Require to determine your own 6-digit PIN to access KB PRASAC Mobile and/or enable Fingerprint / Facial Recognition to improve your security when login with KB PRASAC Mobile.
      • Agree with Terms and Conditions of using KB PRASAC Mobile.
    • During the process of registration of KB PRASAC Mobile, you will receive a 6-digit (One-Time Password or OTP) sent message from the system to your mobile phone number officially registered with KB PRASAC to approve the registration of KB PRASAC Mobile.
    • After successfully registering, you can use KB PRASAC Mobile to perform all financial transactions by using your savings account which you have used to register the KB PRASAC Mobile.
    • For every login of KB PRASAC Mobile, you can use the phone number (latest phone number provided to KB PRASAC) or e-mail (if the customer does not have phone number) and 06 digits PIN or Fingerprint / Facial Recognition that you set up by yourself when registering for KB PRASAC Mobile.
    • Conditions of using Accounts linked with KB PRASAC Mobile
      • The Access Level of using Accounts linked with KB PRASAC Mobile is divided into 02 types:
        • Full Access”: is an access level of using Accounts in KB PRASAC Mobile that allows you to do all kinds of financial transactions such as fund transfer, payment, check account balance, View loans information, submit loan request, view exchange rates and other functions.
        • View Only”: is access level of using Accounts in KB PRASAC Mobile that allows you to check account balance, view loan information, view exchange rate or other information without being able to make any financial transactions (transfer / payment…).
      • An Individual Single Account or Joint Account that has account signing condition “Anyone to Sign” which you use to register for KB PRASAC Mobile will be automatically set as “Full Access” by system.
      • In case you want to update your account access level from “Full Access” to/from “View Only“, you can submit your written request at any nearest KB PRASAC branch.
      • In case you want to link more accounts to your KB PRASAC Mobile, you are allowed to do self-link those accounts (Allow for Individual Single Account and Joint Account with account signing condition “Anyone to sign”) via KB PRASAC Mobile by following the system guideline or can submit your written request at any nearest KB PRASAC branch.
      • In case of requesting to link “Joint Account” which having account signing condition different from “Anyone to Sign” into KB PRASAC Mobile, you are required to submit the written request at any nearest KB PRASAC branch based on each account signing condition you want to link.
      • Term Deposit Account and Savings Plan Account will be automatically linked to KB PRASAC Mobile if its source account is linked to KB PRASAC Mobile.
      • Loan Account will be automatically linked to KB PRASAC Mobile if the borrower or co-borrower has registered to use the KB PRASAC Mobile by linking the savings account for settlement loan in KB PRASAC Mobile.
    • Conditions to Delink Accounts from KB PRASAC Mobile
      • You are allowed to do self-delink your account(s) from KB PRASAC Mobile (For Individual Single Account and Joint Account which has account signing condition “Anyone to sign”) by following the system guideline or may submit your written request to any nearest KB PRASAC branch.
      • Joint Account which has account signature condition different from “Anyone to sign“, you are required to submit the written request at any nearest KBR PRASAC Branch.
  6. Opening more Deposit Account(s)
    • You can open more deposit account(s) via KB PRASAC Mobile and can select the account type as below:
      • Savings Account or
      • Unfixed Deposit Account or
      • Flexi Growth Savings Account or
      • Digital Account or
    • You can select account currency with 2 options as below:
      • Khmer Riel (KHR) and
      • US Dollar (USD)
    • Initial Deposit is not required.
    • Minimum Deposit is not required.
    • The limit of customer deposit amount and perform financial transactions depends on the type of customer as Partial KYC or Full KYC.
    • You can select this account as a source account for opening the Term Deposit Account.
    • You can request to close this account by written request at any KB PRASAC Branches.
  7. KB PRASAC Card Requesting
    • You can use your Individual Single Account or Joint Account (with account signing condition “Anyone to sign”) to apply for a KB PRASAC Card via KB PRASAC Mobile by yourself at anytime and anywhere.
    • You can select either option on Acceptance the KB PRASAC Card as below:
      • Personally pick up at bank or
      • Bank Delivery
  8. Operating Hours
    • Clients can perform transactions via KB PRASAC Mobile within 24 hours a day, 7 days a week (24/7) unless receiving a notice on the service temporary postpone by KB PRASAC.
    • KB PRASAC will notify you in case of any interruption of operation to repair or update the system.
    • KB PRASAC reserves right to postpose operations if any issues arise or prior cases.
  9. Currency and Exchange Rate
    • Financial transaction via KB PRASAC Mobile can be perform in 02 (two) currencies as below:
      • Khmer Riel (KHR) and
      • US Dollar (USD)
    • The transactions with cross-currency will be automatically defined based on the daily exchange rate of KB PRASAC on the date and time of the transaction occurs or according to the exchange rate of beneficiary bank in case of cross-currency interbank fund transfer.
  10. Transaction Limitation and Fee
    • You can perform financial transactions whenever your account has sufficient balance within the transaction limit set by KB PRASAC.
    • You agree to pay for all applicable fees related to the use of and/or any transactions performed via KB PRASAC Mobile and agree to KB PRASAC to settle the fee by debiting directly from your account without any notice.
    • You can find information on fees and/or limit per transaction and per day for each type of transactions on KB PRASAC official website and/or KB PRASAC branches and/or KB PRASAC Mobile.
  11. Push Notification
    You will receive notification via KB PRASAC Mobile once a financial transaction occurs on your account, unless there is a system malfunction.
  12. Other Special Features of Transactions via KB PRASAC Mobile
    •  When you enter the wrong PIN or OTP code for 03 times, KB PRASAC Mobile will be automatically blocked. You can contact KB PRASAC at 023/086 999 911 or visit any nearest KB PRASAC branch to request for unlocking.
    • When you enter the information to register for KB PRASAC Mobile or Self-New PIN Reset for 03 times incorrectly, the function of registration of KB PRASAC Mobile or Self-New PIN Reset will be automatically blocked. In this case, you can contact KB PRASAC via 023/086 999 911 or visit any nearest KB PRASAC branch to request for unlocking.
    • For the transfer via Cash-Code, you will receive a 6-digit PIN to withdraw cash from KB PRASAC ATM machine or KB PRASAC POS within 48 hours. If over 48 hours, the transferred amount will be automatically reversed into your account.
  13. Block and Unblock KB PRASAC Mobile
    • You can request to block KB PRASAC Mobile by contacting to Call Center or visiting any nearest KB PRASAC branch.
    • To unblock your KB PRASAC Mobile, you are required to submit your written request at any nearest KB PRASAC branch.
  14. Termination of KB PRASAC Mobile Banking Service
    You are able to terminate your KB PRASAC Mobile Banking Service by submitting your written request at any nearest KB PRASAC branch.
  15. Security Tips of using KB PRASAC Mobile
    • Security on Mobile Phone, Computer or other Devices
      • Please set up your own password or fingerprint / facial Recognition to protect your mobile phone or computer or related devices from unauthorized access.
      • Do not provide or disclose your passwords or let anyone to set up fingerprint / facial recognition or access your mobile phone or computer or related devices, even if he/she is a joint account holder or relative or friend or KB PRASAC’s staffs etc.
      • Do not write your Password for log in mobile phone.
      • Make sure that your password entry to access your mobile phone or computer or related devices are not seen or known by anyone else.
      • Please frequently change the password of your mobile, computer or related devices or in any suspicious case that your password is known by anyone else.
      • Do not use your mobile phone or computer or related devices which connected KB PRASAC Mobile with public Wi-Fi or share with others to avoid fraud from hacker.
      • Do not connect to any system or install unknown application/software on your mobile phone or computer or related devices. In case you connected or installed, please disconnect, or uninstall and clean it immediately to avoid any infection or fraudulent (Virus and / or Hacker).
      • Install KB PRASAC Mobile and regularly update the app from Play Store if you are using Android or App Store if you are using iOS.
      • Do not leave your mobile phone or computer or related devices which is/are connected with KB PRASAC Mobile at public area and immediately lock your phone or computer after stopping using.
      • Please logout or clear history KB PRASAC Mobile when you finished transaction.
      • In case you sell or transfer your mobile phone or computer to another person, you must uninstall KB PRASAC Mobile or other relevant information from your mobile phone or computer in advance.
      • In case of loss of mobile phone or suspicion that anyone knows the password to access your mobile phone or computer, please immediately notify KB PRASAC via 023/086 999 911 to block KB PRASAC Mobile or take other technical process to prevent fraudulence.
    • Security Tips of PIN / OTP and Relevant Information
      • Please remember your PIN and do not write or let anyone else know.
      • Please keep your PIN or OTP and other information secret. Any damage arising out of the negligence of the above confidential information will be your sole responsibility.
      • Do not share or send your PIN or OTP or other information to anyone else, either verbal or via email, Facebook Messenger, Telegram etc.
      • Do not use your date of birth or phone number or account number or ID card number or any number that is easy to remember or guessable (Ex: 111111 or 123456…) as your PIN to login KB PRASAC Mobile.
      • If there is any indication that your PIN Mailer has been torn, please contact nearest KB PRASAC’s Branch immediately.
      • You are required to check and verify the phone number or email address which is printed on PIN mailer upon receiving from KB PRASAC’s Staff.
      • Please change your KB PRASAC Mobile’s PIN when you receive or first log in and immediately destroy any file which contains information related to the PIN.
      • Please ensure that no one is nearby you when you enter your PIN to access KB PRASAC Mobile.
      • Please change your PIN frequently and in case of doubt that your PIN is known by others.
      • You shall determine the PIN to access KB PRASAC Mobile differently from the Password to access your mobile phone.
      • Notify KB PRASAC immediately if you forget your PIN or suspect someone else knows.
    •  Fraudulent E-mail and SMS
      • Beware of scamming from phone number, email, website, pop window or message that trick you into entering your important information such as User ID, PIN, OTP, phone number, date of birth or other personal information.
      • KB PRASAC will never ask you to disclose your PIN and/or OTP for accessing to KB PRASAC Mobile, either verbal, phone call, email or by any means.
      • If you receive a hoax email or message or phone call requesting for the above information, please delete or reject it immediately and/or do not click on any link or open any attachment within the email.
      • If you have any question or doubt on any website or email, please contact us via info@kbprasacbank.com.kh or call 023/086 999 911.
  16. Rights and Obligations of the Client
    • You have to ensure that all information provided to KB PRASAC is true and up-to-date. If the information is incorrect, you are fully responsible before the law.
    • You need to check the fees and detailed payment information carefully before confirming the payment in KB PRASAC Mobile. Any incorrect information, account number, limit excess or deficiency shall be your own responsibility.
    • You are fully responsible for using KB PRASAC Mobile. In case there is loss of money in your personal account or account of another person, whether intentionally or unintentionally or by negligence or by any other give it a trial, invasion, data fraud, direct or indirect fraud or involvement with the others, you are responsible before the law of Cambodia.
    • You allow KB PRASAC to settle the payment unconditionally in case of any complaint/claim to be responsible for the losses or any expenditures that KB PRASAC is responsible to as the result of any improper transactions of payment services via KB PRASAC Mobile due to your violation over the terms and conditions of the services including but not limited to failure of any prevention or without permission or fake transaction…
    • You must ensure the security of keeping your mobile phone and other confidential information for accessing KB PRASAC Mobile such as PIN and personal information, etc.
    • You must ensure that you have installed or updated the KB PRASAC Mobile directly from Play Store or App Store and ensure that you use the latest version of KB PRASAC Mobile.
    • You shall notify KB PRASAC in written in a timely manner in case of changing phone number, email, and/or any personal information provided to KB PRASAC. Any loss or delay that may result from failure to notify KB PRASAC is your sole responsibility.
    • You shall not make any illegal transactions or prohibited business activities via KB PRASAC Mobile.
    • You are entitled to verify information in the account statement and ask KB PRASAC if there is the discord of transaction that may arise.
    • In case you have any problems related to the use of KB PRASAC Mobile, you shall immediately notify KB PRASAC via 023/086 999 911.
    • You have to abide by all Terms and Conditions on using of KB PRASAC Mobile.
  17. Rights and Obligations of KB PRASAC
    • KB PRASAC has the rights to review and verify its client background and to request further information from Client if needed. The approval of using this service shall be at KB PRASAC right.
    • KB PRASAC will implement the transaction instruction via KB PRASAC Mobile, but KB PRASAC will not be responsible in case you enter incorrect information or account number or surplus or deficiency balance etc.
    • KB PRASAC has rights to cooperate with local authorities to investigate, freeze or stop your KB PRASAC Mobile abided by the applicable law/regulation or court order.
    • KB PRASAC will keep your information confidential except with your consent, requirement by law or court order to disclose such confidential information.
    • KB PRASAC reserves right to amend or set up the monthly/annual fees and/or relevant fees for using and/or performing transaction via KB PRASAC Mobile according to conditions of businesses.
    • KB PRASAC reserves right to regularly upgrade the KB PRASAC Mobile to the latest version by:
      • Adding new functions according to market and/or technology trends or
      • Removing or suspending any function if any problem occurs that may affect the Core Banking System or system maintenance or others.
    • In some circumstance, KB PRASAC may persuade you to upgrade your current KB PRASAC Mobile to the latest version in term of security improvement and consistency of using of KB PRASAC Mobile.
    • If KB PRASAC Mobile cannot be operated due to force majeure, KB PRASAC will assist you for solutions or assistance according to the accurate reasons, but will not be responsible for those cases.
    • KB PRASAC has right to suspend transactions when there are problems and necessity.
    • KB PRASAC provides service consultation and reporting of any forgotten PIN or any problem that occurs via 023/086 999 911.
  18. Service Fee, Limitation, Conditions Amendment and Notifications
    • KB PRASAC reserves the right to amend the service fees, limitation, and/or conditions related to KB PRASAC Mobile with prior notice to the Client as required by law.
    • Without written complaint(s) from the Client during the above notice period, it is assumed that you agree and accept the amendment(s) immediately from the effective date of the amendment(s) published through one of below channels:
      • KB PRASAC Office and/or
      • KB PRASAC Official Website and/or Social Media and/or
      • SMS or E-mail
      • Advertisements on newspapers, magazines, KB PRASAC Mobile or other methods chosen by KB PRASAC etc…
    • The Client is assumed that he/she has received a notification immediately after KB PRASAC has publicly announced via any of the above channels.
  19. Anti-Money Laundering and Combating Financing Terrorism
    Accordingly, to the Cambodia Law on Anti-Money Laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorism, KB PRASAC can postpone or reject any transaction for the Account Holders if KB PRASAC believes that:

      • The suspicion on source of fund.
      • The transactions or the accounts may be directly or indirectly involved with any illegal activities of Cambodian or International.
      • Upon court order or National Bank of Cambodia, etc.
  20. Law and Dispute Resolutions
    • These terms and conditions are governed under the Cambodian Law.
    • In case of any disputes, both parties have to solve them peacefully. If the disputes cannot be resolved peacefully or outside the court, they have to be solved within the court along with the Cambodian Law.
    • Other issues which not stated in the provisions have to be implemented under the law of Cambodia.
  21. Severability
    Invalidity or unenforceability of one or more provisions of this Terms and Conditions shall not affect any other provision of this Terms and Conditions.
  22. Language
    The Terms and Conditions are made in Khmer and English. In case there is any conflict or inconsistency between the two versions, Khmer language shall prevail.

  1. Introduction
    • General Terms and Conditions of Using KB PRASAC Corporate, hereinafter called “Terms and Conditions”, is an agreement between you and KB PRASAC Bank Plc., hereinafter called “KB PRASAC”, in relation to the use of KB PRASAC Corporate.
    • Please read these Terms and Conditions carefully before you agree to apply for KB PRASAC Corporate application.
    • When you complete and sign or fingerprint on the KB PRASAC Corporate application, you indicate that you have read, understood, and agreed to abide by all of the terms and conditions set in this Terms and Conditions, including the “General Terms of Use of KB PRASAC Products and Services” and that you agree to be solely responsible for any transactions made through KB PRASAC Corporate.
  2. Keyword Definition

    • You
    Refers to account holder(s) of the Individual or Account Signatory of the legal entities or banking and financial institutions who has right to register to use the KB PRASAC Corporate.
    • KB PRASAC Corporate
    Refers to the Service which allows you to securely perform financial and non-financial transactions on your account at anywhere and anytime (24/7) through:

    • KB PRASAC Corporate Web: for client uses the KB PRASAC Corporate through the Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Apple Safari… for making the financial and non-financial transactions.
    • KB PRASAC Corporate App: for client use through the application downloads from the App Store or Play Store on a smartphone which uses to receive OTP to log in and approve transactions made in KB PRASAC Corporate Web.
    • OTP Code
    Is a One-Time Password with 6 Digits that is generated automatically by the KB PRASAC Corporate App and used to log in and approve transactions in the KB PRASAC Corporate Web. OTP Code is valid for only one time or 1 transaction.
    • Account
    Refers to any Account that you opened with KB PRASAC such as Savings Account or Current Account and Other Accounts upon request etc.
    • Corporate Account
    An account opens for Company, NGOs, Institution… use to operate according to actual needs.
    • Individual Account
    An Account open for Individual Customer use to make transactions according to the personal needs.
    • Single Account
    An Individual Account type with single account holder.
    • Joint Account
    An Individual Account with 2 or more joint account holders.
    • User ID
    An Identity number between 8 to 16 digits for log in using the KB PRASAC Corporate.
    • Password
    Is the personal password between 8 to 16 digits that you set up by yourself to log in to the KB PRASAC Corporate.
    • Fingerprint / Facial Recognition
    Refers to the security system of Fingerprint or Facial Recognition scanning on smart phones to identify customers when accessing KB PRASAC App in addition to the use of a Password. You can restrict access to KB PRASAC App by using Fingerprint / Facial Recognition scanning unless you have set this security to access your smart phone in advance.
    • Straight Through Process
    The transaction is completed immediately after it is inputted and approved by you without the need for reviewing and approval by KB PRASAC.
    • Non-Straight Through Process
    The transaction that you inputted and approved but it is required to be reviewed and approval by KB PRASAC.
    • Authorization Line
    A condition of using the KB PRASAC Corporate with many roles of user such as Maker, Checker, Authorizer and Final Authorizer, and all transactions must be started by Maker and complete by Final Authorizer.
    • Non-Authorization Line
    A condition of using KB PRASAC Corporate with a single user, all transactions are started and finished by Final Authorizer.
    • Bank Statement
    A record of transactions in or out of the account that you can check through KB PRASAC Corporate.
    • Force Majeure
    Refers to any acts that occur outside the will, are unpredictable and unbearable, or do not allow one or both parties to continue to perform their duties normally, such as volcanic eruptions, floods, earthquakes, hurricanes, terrorism, riots, wars, etc.
  3. Function in KB PRASAC Corporate
    • Own Account Transfer within KB PRASAC
    • Account to Account Transfer within KB PRASAC
    • Transfer to other Banks
    • Account to Account Transfer within KB PRASAC (Bulk Transfer)
    • International Fund Transfer via SWIFT
    • Request amendment on International Fund Transfer via SWIFT
    • Request cancellation on International Fund Transfer via SWIFT
    • Payroll Service
    • Bill Payment
    • Bulk Bill Payment
    • Top Up
    • Bulk Top Up
    • View Exchange Rate
    • View Account Information, Account Balance, Account Statement, Download Account Statement
    • View Term Deposit Account Information
    • Open Term Deposit Account
    • Request to close Term Deposit Account
    • Review, create, and delete template
    • Review, create, stop and delete schedule
    • Review Loan Information and Payment Schedule
    • Loan Submit Request
    • Request Check Book
    • Stop Payment Check
    • Review Check information
    • Trade Finance Service
    • Term Deposit Account Calculator
    • Loan Calculator and
    • Others.
  4. KB PRASAC Corporate Registration
    • Condition of Requesting KB PRASAC Corporate
      • You can request to use KB PRASAC Corporate in written letter at any KB PRASAC branch or through KB PRASAC staff or submit your application through KB PRASAC Corporate Web.
      • You must have an account(s) with KB PRASAC, it can be a Savings Account, Unfixed Deposit Account, Flexi Growth Savings Account, Current Account, Premium Current Account, or Merchant Savings Account, etc. the account shall maintain a minimum balance based on each account type.
      • The eligible applicants are account holder(s) or account signatory or appointed person based on the decision from the Board of Directors of the company.
    • Type of Users
      Type of User(s) in using the KB PRASAC Corporate has 05 types as below:

      User Type User Role & Right Legal Entitled Person
      1 Viewer Only check account information or download account statement Can be an Account Holder or Account Signatory or a Third Party
      2 Maker A maker of financial and non-financial transactions in KB PRASAC Corporate
      3 Checker Responsible for checking and verifying all the transactions submitted from “Maker
      4 Authorizer Responsible for approval on the transactions submitted by the “Checker
      5 Final Authorizer Responsible for approval on the transactions submitted by the Authorizer to complete the transaction Can be an Account Holder or Account Signatory
    • Authorization Line
      • You can choose Authorization Line or Non-Authorization Line to perform transactions through KB PRASAC Corporate.
      • In case you choose Authorization Line, you need to assign the other user to use the KB PRASAC Corporate, including Maker, Checker and/or Authorizer.
      • In case you choose Non-Authorization Line, you do not need to define the other users to use the KB PRASAC Corporate, including Maker, Checker and/or Authorizer. You are the Maker and the Final Authorizer for all transactions through KB PRASAC Corporate.
    • Activate KB PRASAC Corporate
      • You (including Maker, Checker, Authorizer, Viewer) have to activate the KB PRASAC Corporate by yourself/his/her and following the activation link provided by KB PRASAC via email and/or Phone.
      • You must enter the correct information according to the information required by the system and set your/his/her own password to access KB PRASAC Corporate.
    • Access to the KB PRASAC Corporate
      • To access the KB PRASAC Corporate, you must log in to the Web browser by entering https://corporate.kbprasacbank.com.kh
      • Enter the User ID which is received through email or SMS from KB PRASAC.
      • You must enter a password that created by yourself and
      • Enter the OTP which is generated automatically via the KB PRASAC Corporate App on the mobile phone correctly.
    • Link more Account(s)
      • You can request to link more account(s) and define the account access level by “Full Access” or “View Only” in written letter at any branches of KB PRASAC.
      • The request to link more account(s) must be followed by the “Account Signing Condition”.
    • Delink Account(s)
      • You can request to delink the account(s) from the KB PRASAC Corporate in a written letter at any KB PRASAC branch.
      • The request to delink account(s) must be followed by the “Account Signing Condition“.
    • Link Term Deposit Account(s)
      • Term Deposit Account(s) is automatically linked to KB PRASAC Corporate if source account of the Term Deposit Account(s) is linked into KB PRASAC Corporate.
      • In case the source account of Term Deposit Account(s) is removed from KB PRASAC Corporate, Term Deposit Account(s) will also be automatically removed from the KB PRASAC Corporate.
    • Link Loan Account
      • Loan Account is automatically linked to KB PRASAC Corporate if borrower or co-borrower is registered to use KB PRASAC Corporate and linked the loan settlement account into KB PRASAC Corporate.
      • In case the loan settlement account is removed from KB PRASAC Corporate, Loan Account will be automatically removed from the KB PRASAC Corporate.
    • Request a new password and/or User ID
      You can request a new Password in case of forgotten and/or User ID in written letter at any branches of KB PRASAC by attaching the identification documents.
    • Request amendment User ID and/or User Role & Right
      • You can request to change the personal information such as phone number or email and /or add and/or remove the User for Maker, Checker, Authorizer, Viewer at any KB PRASAC branch or through our sale staff.
      • The request shall be followed terms and conditions of KB PRASAC.
  5. Account Access Level in KB PRASAC Corporate
    • You can define the Account Access Level in using the KB PRASAC Corporate by setting it on the application form with the following options:
      • Full Access ៖ This access level allows you to use your account(s) in KB PRASAC
        Corporate to perform all financial transactions (transfers, payments, etc.) and non-financial transactions (view accounts, loans, exchange rates or other information).
      • View Only ៖ This access level allow you to use your account(s) in KB PRASAC Corporate
        which can only view accounts, loans, exchange rates or other information without being able to make financial transactions (transfers, payments, etc.).
    • If you want to change the account access level from “Full Access” to/from “View Only”, you can request it in written letter at any branches of KB PRASAC.
  6. Operating Hours
    • You can perform transactions via KB PRASAC Corporate within 24 hours a day, 7 days a week (24/7) unless receiving a notice on the service temporary postpone by KB PRASAC.
    • KB PRASAC will notify you in case of any interruption of operation to repair or update the system.
    • KB PRASAC reserves right to postpose operations if any issues arise or prior cases.
  7. Currency and Exchange Rate
    • Financial transaction via KB PRASAC Corporate can be perform in 02 (two) currencies as below:
      • Khmer Riel (KHR) and
      • US Dollars (USD)
    • The transactions with cross-currency will be automatically defined based on the exchange rate of KB PRASAC on the date and time of that transaction or according to the exchange rate of beneficiary bank in case of cross-currency interbank fund transfer.
  8. Transaction Limitation and Fee
    • You can perform financial transactions whenever your account has sufficient balance within the transaction limit set by KB PRASAC.
    • You agree to pay for all applicable fees related to the use of and/or any transactions performed via KB PRASAC Corporate and agree to KB PRASAC to settle the fee by debiting directly from your account without any notice.
    • You can find information on fees and/or limit per transaction and per day for each type of transactions on KB PRASAC official website and/or KB PRASAC branches and/or KB PRASAC Corporate.
  9. Notification
    You will receive notification via KB PRASAC Corporate about financial transactions that occurs on your account unless there is a system malfunction.
  10. Other Special Features of Transactions via CIB
    • If you enter the wrong password or OTP code 3 times, the KB PRASAC Corporate will be automatically blocked.
    • You can contact KB PRASAC via 023/086 999 911 or visit any branches of KB PRASAC to unblock.
  11. Request Block and unblock KB PRASAC Corporate
    • You can request to block User ID or Corporate Banking by contacting to Call Center (023/086 999 911) or visiting any nearest KB PRASAC branch.
    • To unblock KB PRASAC Corporate, you are required to submit your written request at any nearest KB PRASAC branch.
  12. Termination KB PRASAC Corporate
    You are able to terminate your KB PRASAC Corporate by submitting your written request at any nearest KB PRASAC branch.
  13. Security Tips of using KB PRASAC Corporate
    • Security on Phone, Computer or Other Devices
      •  Please set up your own password or fingerprint / facial Recognition to protect your mobile phone or computer or related devices from unauthorized access.
      • Do not provide or disclose your passwords or let anyone to set up fingerprint / facial recognition or access your mobile phone or computer or related devices, even if he/she is a joint account holder or relative or friend or KB PRASAC’s staffs etc.
      • Do not write your Password for log in mobile phone, computer, related devices or other applications in your mobile phone or computer.
      • Make sure that your password entry to access your mobile phone or computer or related devices are not seen or known by anyone else.
      • Please frequently change the password of your mobile, computer or related devices or in any suspicious case that your password is known by anyone else.
      • Do not use your mobile phone or computer or related devices which connected KB PRASAC Corporate with public Wi-Fi or share with others to avoid fraud from hacker.
      • Do not connect to any system or install unknown application/software on your mobile phone or computer or related devices. In case you connected or installed, please disconnect, or uninstall and clean it immediately to avoid any infection or fraudulent (Virus and / or Hacker).
      • Must install an anti-virus program and regularly update your computer or related devices.
      • Must download and install KB PRASAC Corporate and regularly update the app from Play Store or App Store.
      • Do not leave your mobile phone or computer or related devices which is/are connected with KB PRASAC Corporate at public area and immediately lock your phone or computer after stopping using.
      •  Please logout or clear history or close internet browser or KB PRASAC Corporate when you finished transaction.
      • In case you sell or repair or transfer your mobile phone or computer to another person, you must uninstall CIB App or other relevant information from your mobile phone or computer in advance.
      • In case of loss of mobile phone or suspicion that anyone knows the password to access your mobile phone or computer, please immediately notify KB PRASAC via 023/086 999 911 to block KB PRASAC Corporate or take other technical process to prevent fraudulence.
    • Security Tips of User ID and Password
      • Please remember your User ID and Password and do not write or let anyone else know.
      • Please keep your User ID or Password or OTP and other information secret. Any damage arising out of the negligence of the above confidential information will be your sole responsibility.
      • Do not share or send your User ID or Password or OTP or other information to anyone else, either verbal or via email, Facebook Messenger, Telegram etc.
      • Do not use your date of birth or phone number or account number or ID card number or any number that is easy to remember or guessable (Ex: 111111 or 123456…) as your PIN to login KB PRASAC Corporate.
      • Please ensure that no one is nearby you when you enter your User ID or Password to access KB PRASAC Corporate.
      • Please change your Password frequently and in case of doubt that your Password is known by others.
      • You shall set Password to access KB PRASAC Corporate differently from the Password to access your mobile phone or computer.
      • Notify KB PRASAC immediately if you forget your Password and / or User ID or suspect someone else knows.
    • Fraudulent E-mail and SMS
      • Please log in KB PRASAC Corporate via https://corporate.kbprasacbank.com.kh only. Do not click on any hyperlink from any other website or in your mail box.
      • Beware of scamming from phone number, email, website, pop window or message that trick you into entering your important information such as User ID, Password, OTP or phone number, date of birth or other personal information.
      • KB PRASAC will never ask you to disclose your Password and/or OTP for accessing to KB PRASAC Corporate, either verbal, phone call, email or by any means.
      • If you receive a hoax email or message or phone call requesting for the above information, please delete or reject it immediately and/or do not click on any link or open any attachment within the email.
      • If you have any question or doubt on any website or email, please contact us via info@kbprasacbank.com.kh or call 023/086 999 911.
  14. Rights and Obligations of Client
    • You have to ensure that all information provided to KB PRASAC is true and up-to-date. If the information is incorrect, you are fully responsible before the law.
    • You need to check the fees and detailed payment information carefully before confirming the payment in KB PRASAC Corporate. Any incorrect information, account number, limit excess or deficiency shall be your own responsibility.
    • You are fully responsible for using KB PRASAC Corporate. In case there is loss of fund in your personal account or account of another person, whether intentionally or unintentionally or by negligence or by any other give it a trial, invasion, data fraud, direct or indirect fraud or involvement with the others, you are responsible before the law of Cambodia.
    • You allow KB PRASAC to settle the payment unconditionally in case of any complaint/claim to be responsible for the losses or any expenditures that KB PRASAC is responsible to as the result of any improper transactions of payment services via KB PRASAC Corporate due to your violation over the terms and conditions of the services including but not limited to failure of any prevention or without permission or fake transaction…
    • You must ensure the security of keeping your mobile phone and other confidential information for accessing KB PRASAC Corporate such as passwords and personal information, etc.
    • You must ensure that you have installed or updated the KB PRASAC Corporate App directly from Play Store or Apple Store and ensure that you use the latest version of KB PRASAC Corporate App.
    • You shall notify KB PRASAC in written in a timely manner in case of changing phone number, email, and/or any personal information provided to KB PRASAC. Any loss or delay that may result from failure to notify KB PRASAC is your sole responsibility.
    • You shall not make any illegal transactions or prohibited business activities via KB PRASAC Corporate.
    • You are entitled to verify information in the account statement and ask KB PRASAC if there is any discord of transaction that may arise.
    • In case you have any problems related to the use of KB PRASAC Corporate, you shall immediately notify KB PRASAC via 023/086 999 911.
    • You have to abide by all Terms and Conditions on using of KB PRASAC Corporate.
  15. Rights and Obligations of KB PRASAC
    • KB PRASAC has the right to review and verify your background and decide whether to allow you to use KB PRASAC Corporate.
    • KB PRASAC will implement the transaction instruction via KB PRASAC Corporate, but KB PRASAC will not be responsible in case you enter incorrect information or account number or surplus or deficiency balance etc.
    • KB PRASAC has the right to cooperate with local authorities to investigate, freeze, or stop your KB PRASAC Corporate abided by the applicable law/regulation or court order.
    • KB PRASAC will keep your information confidential except with your consent, a requirement by law or a court order to disclose such confidential information.
    • KB PRASAC reserves the right to amend or set up the monthly, annual, and/or relevant fees for using and/or performing transactions via KB PRASAC Corporate according to the conditions of business.
    • KB PRASAC reserves the right to regularly upgrade the KB PRASAC Corporate to the latest version by:
      • Adding new functions according to market and/or technology trends or
      • Removing or suspending any function if any problem occurs that may affect the Core Banking System or system maintenance or others.
    • In some circumstances, KB PRASAC may persuade you to update your current KB PRASAC Corporate​ to the latest version in terms of security improvement and consistency of use of KB PRASAC Corporate.
    • If KB PRASAC Corporate cannot be operated due to force majeure, KB PRASAC will assist you with solutions or assistance according to the accurate reasons but will not be responsible for those cases.
    • KB PRASAC has the right to suspend transactions when there are problems and necessity.
    • KB PRASAC provides service consultation and reporting of any forgotten PIN or any problem that occurs via 023/086 999 911.
  16. Service Fee, Limitation, Other Conditions Amendment and Notifications
    • KB PRASAC reserves the right to amend the service fees, limitations, and/or conditions related to KB PRASAC Corporate by prior notice to you as required by law.
    • During the period of the above notification, in the absence of any objection from you, it shall be deemed that you have approved and accepted the amendment immediately after the amendment takes effect, which is published through channels below:
      • KB PRASAC Office and/or
      • B PRASAC Official Website and/or Social Media and/or
      • SMS or E-mail and/or
      • Advertisements on newspapers, magazines, KB PRASAC Mobile, KB PRASAC Corporate or other methods chosen by KB PRASAC etc.
    • You are assumed that you received a notification immediately after KB PRASAC has publicly announced via any of the above channels.
  17. Anti-Money Laundering and Combating Financing Terrorism
    According to the Cambodia Law on Anti-Money Laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorism, KB PRASAC can postpone or reject any transaction for the account holders if KB PRASAC believes that:

    • The suspicion on source of fund
    • The transactions or the accounts may be directly or indirectly involved with any illegal activities of Cambodian or International Law
    • Upon court order or National Bank of Cambodia, etc.
  18. Law and Dispute Resolutions
    • These terms and conditions are governed under the Cambodian Law.
    • In case of any disputes, both parties have to solve them peacefully. If the disputes cannot be resolved peacefully or outside the court, they have to be solved within the court along with the Cambodian Law.
    • Other issues which not stated in the provisions have to be implemented under the law of Cambodia.
  19. Severability
    Invalidity or unenforceability of one or more provisions of this Terms and Conditions shall not affect any other provision of this Terms and Conditions.
  20. Language
    The Terms and Conditions are made in Khmer and English. In case there is any conflict or inconsistency between the two versions, Khmer language shall prevail.

  1. Terms and Conditions
    • The Terms & Conditions for opening and closing Term Deposit Account via KB PRASAC Corporate, hereinafter called “Terms & Conditions” is an “Agreement” between “Client” and KB PRASAC Bank Plc., hereinafter called “KB PRASAC” in using this service with KB PRASAC.
    • Please carefully read the “Terms and Conditions” before clicking “Agree” to open or close Term Deposit Account via KB PRASAC Corporate.
    • When Client clicks “Agree”, it means that the Client has read, and accepted all terms and conditions stated in this terms and conditions, and he/she is fully responsible for opening, amending or closing Term Deposit Account via KB PRASAC Corporate.
  2. Key Terms
    • The Client
    Refers to Account Holder or Account Signatory who using the Term Deposit Account via KB PRASAC Corporate.
    • KB PRASAC Corporate
    Refers to the Service which allows client to securely perform financial and non-financial transactions on your account at anywhere and anytime (24/7) through KB PRASAC Corporate Web (Internet Browser).
    • Term Deposit Account
    Refers to a type of deposit account that has specific term of deposit and obtains a higher interest rate following each tenor.
    • Source Account
    Is a settlement account used to settle the amount of principal when opening or receiving the interest and principal when closing the Term Deposit Account or receiving Monthly Interest. Every transaction occurred over the counter such as open, close, and other requests within the Term Deposit Account will be verified with the Specimen Signature and Account Signing Condition of the Source Account.
    • Account Statement
    A summary report of banking transactions occurred within account.
    • Rollover Principal Only
    When Term Deposit Account is on maturity date, the interest earned will be credited into the Source Account and the principal balance will be automatically renewed to the next term.
    • Rollover Principal and Interest
    When Term Deposit Account is on maturity date, the interest earned and principal balance will be automatically capitalized, and renewed to the next term.
    • Close on Maturity
    When Term Deposit Account is on maturity date, the account will automatically close, and the interest earned and principal balance will be credited into the Source Account.
  3. Conditions of opening Term Deposit Account
    The Client is required to input the information and select the conditions on Term Deposit Account opening correctly and sufficiently with the following information:

    • Operating Hours
      The Client can open Term Deposit Account via KB PRASAC Corporate 24/7 and everywhere, except there is a special notification about temporary postpone by KB PRASAC.
    • Source Account Requirement
      • To open Term Deposit Account, the Client is required to select the Source Account which is the Deposit Account linked to KB PRASAC Corporate with account’s access level as “Full Access” that allows Client to do any financial transaction.
      • Source Account can be a type of Savings Account or Unfixed Deposit Account or Flexi Growth Savings Account or Payroll Account or Current Account or Premium Account or Digital Account or Merchant Account etc.
      • The Source Account is not allowed to close if it is being linked with the Active Term Deposit Account.
      • The Client agrees and allows KB PRASAC to use the Specimen Signature and Account Signing Condition of the Source Account to verify the account holders in case of requesting to close the Term Deposit Account or other requests over the counter (Bank Confirmation or Account Statement etc.).
      • In case, the Source Account is a Joint Account or Entity Account which has Account Signatory up from 02 persons, the Client shall agree and accept that other Joint Account Holder(s) or Account Signatory(s) have full right to request to close the Term Deposit Account and/or other requests by following the Specimen Signature and Account Signing Condition of the Source Account.
    • Currency
      • The Client can choose to open the Term Deposit Account in 02 (two) currencies as below:
        • Khmer Riel (KHR) and
        • US Dollars (USD)
      • The currency of the Term Deposit Account will be automatically defined based on the currency of the Source Account. Thus, the Client is unable to select the different currency from the currency of the Source Account.
    • Deposit Limitation and Number of Account
      • Minimum deposit balance of opening Term Deposit account is up from KHR 200,000 or USD 50 and Unlimited per Client.
      • There is no limitation on the number of opening Term Deposit Account through KB PRASAC Corporate.
    • Deposit Term
      The Client can choose term of deposit from 01 to 60 months based on Client’s requirement and cash flow.
    • Interest Rate
      • The Client will gain the interest rate of Term Deposit Account based on the terms that client choose.
      • The earned Interest will be accrued daily and credited into Source Account on monthly basis or on the maturity date based on the type of selected Term Deposit Account.
      • The Client can find the information of the Interest Rate of Term Deposit Account during account opening via KB PRASAC Corporate or Official KB PRASAC website or at the nearest KB PRASAC office.
    • Withholding Tax
      • The Client accepts that the earned interest will be subject to withholding tax or other taxes as required by applicable Laws or Regulations.
      • The Client acknowledges that withholding tax shall be his/her responsibilities and allow KB PRASAC to withhold the tax amount directly from the Term Deposit Account when the earned interest is credited.
      • Withholding Tax Rate is defined below:
        • 6% for Resident
        • 14% for Non-Resident
    • Type of Term Deposit Account
      The Client can select either one of the two types of Term Deposit Account as below:

      • Term Deposit Account -Monthly Growth: A type of account which the Client will receive the earned interest in monthly basis and it will be automatically credited into the Source Account.
      • Term Deposit Account -Maturity Growth: A type of account which the Client will receive the earned interest at the end of the term and it will be credited into the Source Account or capitalized as the principal based on rollover options selected.
    • Rollover Conditions
      • When open the Term Deposit Account, the Client can choose either one of the three following rollover options:
        1. Rollover Principal and Interest
        2. Rollover Principal only
        3. Close on Maturity
      • In case the Client chooses rollover (rollover principal and interest or rollover principal only), and upon the arrival of the maturity date, the Client does not give written instruction to KB PRASAC to change the terms, the term of deposit shall be successively renewed for the same period and conditions and the Client accepts the KB PRASAC prevailing rate at the time of renewal.
      • In case the Client chooses Term Deposit Account “Maturity Growth”, the Client can select either one of the three rollover options stated in 3.9.1 above.
      • In case the Client chooses Term Deposit Account “Monthly Growth”, the Client can choose either one of the two rollover options, (i) Rollover Principal only and (ii) Close on Maturity. The Client is not allowed to choose “Rollover Principal and Interest” since the earned interest is already paid to the Source Account on monthly basis.
    • Change Rollover Conditions
      • The Client can change rollover conditions of his/her Term Deposit Account by his/herself through KB PRASAC Corporate including Term Deposit Account(s) that has been open at branch office and open via KB PRASAC Corporate. Client can manage to change it as the following:
        1. Term Deposit Account- Maturity Growth, client can:
          • Change conditions from “Rollover Principal and Interest” to/from “Rollover Principal only” or “Close on Maturity
          • Change from “Rollover Principal only” to/from “Close on Maturity
        2. Term Deposit Account-Monthly Growth, client can:
          • Chang from “Rollover Principal only” to “Close on Maturity” or
          • Change from “Close on Maturity” to “Rollover Principal only
      • Not allowed to change the rollover conditions of the Term Deposit Account which is being blocked or frozen.
    • Effective Date of Account Opening
      • The effective date of account opening is the actual date that the Client opens the Term Deposit Account via KB PRASAC Corporate.
      • In case the Client opens Term Deposit account on weekend or holiday or after closing day (EOD/closing business day), the effective date will be automatically moved forward to the next working day.
    • Maturity Date of Account
      • The maturity date of Term Deposit Account is automatically defined by system based on the Deposit Term which is selected by the Client.
      • In case the maturity date falls on a weekend or holiday, the maturity date will be automatically moved backwards to the previous working day.
    • Certificate of Term Deposit or Account Statement
      • The Client can view the information and other transactions of Term Deposit Account via KB PRASAC Corporate at anytime and anywhere.
      • The Client can print the Certificate of Term Deposit by his/her own from KB PRASAC Corporate.
      • In case the Client needs the original Certificate of Term Deposit or Account Statement, the Client can request at any nearest KB PRASAC Office and the request will be followed the conditions defined by KB PRASAC.
  4. Deposit
    • The additional deposit into the existing Term Deposit Account is not allowed.
    • Every additional deposit means to open new Term Deposit Account which is required to follow the terms and conditions of account opening stated in this Terms and Conditions.
  5. Withdrawal
    Every partial or full cash withdrawal from Term Deposit Account means to close the Term Deposit Account and the Client shall follow the conditions of Account Closing stated in this Terms and Conditions.
  6. Condition of Closing Term Deposit Account
    The Client can request for Closing of Term Deposit through KB PRASAC Corporate with below channels:
    1) Request in written letter at any KB PRASAC branch or
    2) Summit request via KB PRASAC Corporate or
    3) KB PRASAC Mobile.

    • Request closing Term Deposit at Branch
      • The Client can request to close Term Deposit Account in a written letter at any nearest KB PRASAC Office.
      • The Client who has right to request to close the account can be him/herself and/or others Joint Account Holder (for Individual Joint Account) and/or other Account signatories (for Corporate Account) even the account has been opened by you.
      • The closing request shall be followed the Specimen Signature and Account Signing Condition of the Source Account.
      • The Client will obtain full interest rate if closing the Term Deposit Account at the Maturity Date.
      • For premature withdrawal of the account, the Client will not receive the full interest rate and KB PRASAC reverses full right to define the interest rate upon the request date of account closing.
      • After account is closed, the principal and earned interest will be credited into the Source Account in which the Client can view it in the Account Statement.
      • In case the Client requests to close the Term Deposit Account “Monthly Growth” before maturity date, the Client agrees to return the monthly paid interest and authorizes KB PRASAC to settle that earned interest from his/her balance of Term Deposit Account.
      • If the Client places Term Deposit Account as Loan Collateral, the Client can request to close the Term Deposit Account unless the loan is already paid off.
    • Request closing Term Deposit via KB PRASAC Corporate
      • Client can request for closing Term Deposit Account via KB PRASAC Corporate at any time (24/7) and everywhere by following the flow of using the KB PRASAC Corporate.
      • The client can request to close the Term Deposit Account which opened at:
        1. KB PRASAC Branch or
        2. KB PRASAC Corporate or
        3. KB PRASAC Mobile.
      • The request for closing of account through KB PRASAC Corporate will be reviewed and approved by KB PRASAC in the business day.
      • If client requests to close the account on the holiday or in weekend or at the non-working hours of KB PRASAC, the request will be reviewed and approved in the next working day.
      • Client cannot request for closing Term Deposit account that has been blocked or frozen or pledged as loan collateral.
      • Other conditions of closing the Term Deposit account is followed the same conditions of closing Term Deposit Account at branch.
  7. Rights and Obligations of Client
    • Client has to abide by all points in this Terms and Conditions.
    • Client ensures that Client has full right to open and close Term Deposit Account via KB PRASAC Corporate and to provide correct and up-to-date information.
    • Client ensures that Source Account has sufficient balance to open Term Deposit Account.
    • Client needs to check the detailed information and conditions carefully before confirming to open Term Deposit Account. Any incorrect of inputting account conditions such as wrong Source Account or excess limit or deficiency etc. shall be at Client’s own responsibility.
    • Client agrees to review and give a notice to KB PRASAC on the technical problems or any irregularity occurred during or after account opening or closing.
    • Client is entitled to obtain all the information related to the transaction of opening Term Deposit Account, interest rate, fee charge, and withholding tax etc.
    • Client is entitled to ask and clarify if there is the discord of transaction report or others information relevant with account opening or using at any KB PRASAC office or other channels provided by KB PRASAC.
  8. Rights and Obligations of KB PRASAC
    • KB PRASAC has the rights to review and verify Client’s background and to request further information from the Client if needed and has right to provide or not to provide this service to the Client.
    • KB PRASAC will follow the Client’s transactions but KB PRASAC will not be responsible in case Client input and/or select an incorrect Source Account and/or amount and/or other conditions etc.
    • KB PRASAC reverses the right to block or unblock or disallow or allow to rollover or terminate the Term Deposit Account before maturity if the Client does not fulfill the correct or sufficient information following the conditions required by KB PRASAC and/or at KB PRASAC sole discretion and KB PRASAC is not liable for any loss due to implementing all these rights.
    • KB PRASAC has right to cooperate with authorities to investigate, freeze or stop allowing Client to open the Term Deposit Account with reference to rule of law or court order.
    •  KB PRASAC reserves the right to suspend the transactions of opening of Term Deposit Account when there are problems and/or in necessary cases.
    • KB PRASAC reserves the right to amend the Interest Rate, Fee Charge and/or other conditions according to the terms and conditions of its business.
    • KB PRASAC will confidentially keep your personal information except as required by law or court order or with your consent.
    • KB PRASAC offers a 24-hour help line, businesses consultations or other problems.
  9. Anti-Money Laundering and Combating Financing Terrorism
    According to Cambodian Law and regulations related to Anti-Money Laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorism, KB PRASAC can postpone or confine or reject any transaction if KB PRASAC believes that:

    • The source of fund is suspicious
    • The transactions or the accounts may be directly or indirectly involved with unlawful activities of Cambodian or International Law.
    • If there is a Court Order or National Bank of Cambodia (NBC).
  10. Amendment of Interest Rate, Fee, Conditions and Notification
    • KB PRASAC reserves the right to amend Interest Rate, Fee Charge, conditions applied to the use of your account by prior notice to you as required by law.
    • Without written complaint(s) from the Client during the above notice period, it is assumed that you have agreed and accepted the amendment(s) immediately from the effective date of the amendment(s) published through one of below channels:
      1. KB PRASAC Office and/or
      2. KB PRASAC official Website and/or Social Media and/or
      3. SMS or E-mail and/or
      4. Advertisements on newspapers, magazines, KB PRASAC Mobile, KB PRASAC Corporate or other methods chosen by KB PRASAC etc.
    • The Client is assumed that he/she has received a notification immediately after KB PRASAC has publicly announced via any of the above channels.
  11. Law and Dispute Resolutions
    • These terms and conditions are managed and described by the Cambodian Law.
    • In case of disputes, both parties have to solve them peacefully. If the disputes cannot be done peacefully or outside the court, they have to be solved within the court along with the Cambodian Law.
    • Other issues which are not stated in the provisions have to be implemented with the law of Cambodia.
    • Other terms and conditions which are not stated in this terms and conditions shall follow the “General Terms and Conditions on Using of KB PRASAC Products and Services” which can be found at KB PRASAC official Website www.kbprasacbank.com.kh or any nearest KB PRASAC office.
  12. Severability
    Invalidity or unenforceability of one or more provisions of this Agreement shall not affect any other provision of this Agreement.
  13. Language
    These terms and conditions are made in Khmer and English. In case, there is any conflict or inconsistency between the two versions, then Khmer language shall prevail.

  1. General Terms and Conditions
    • The following terms and conditions are the agreement between the client and KB PRASAC Bank Plc. hereinafter called “KB PRASAC” on using ATM cards of KB PRASAC.
    • Please kindly read carefully all terms and conditions, and request for any further explanation if needed before performing your transaction.
  2. Required Documents and Information
    • To apply for an KB PRASAC Card, the client is required to provide necessary information to KB PRASAC by filling out and signing on the application form designed by KB PRASAC. The client confirms that all information provided to KB PRASAC is true and up to date. The client also agrees to be abided by all terms and conditions stated in the specific terms and conditions on using this service with KB PRASAC.
    •  The client acknowledges and agrees that KB PRASAC will release the client information, when requested, to the court or other relevant competent authorities (both local and/or international).
  3. Transaction Limit and Service Fees
    • The amount limit of transactions conducted via ATM Card is pre-set per card types by KB PRASAC which made available at KB PRASAC office or website.
    • To perform transactions via ATM, you are required to pay fee for some specific type of transaction to KB PRASAC. You agreed to pay for those applicable fees (if any). You authorize KB PRASAC to directly debit the fees from your account.
    • Any transaction prohibited by the law is not allowed to perform via KB PRASAC ATM, and the account holder shall fully be responsible for those transactions.
    • The client shall maintain sufficient balance at all times to do the transaction via ATM card.
    • All applicable fees related to ATM is available at all KB PRASAC branches and official website: www.kbprasacbank.com.kh.
    • KB PRASAC reserves all rights to change the tariffs or fees or transaction limit with prior notice to the Client as required by law.
  4. Security Tips (PIN code & ATM card)
    • You must keep your PIN and ATM card in a safe place. The damage or loss due to your negligence is fully at your own risk.
    • You are encouraged to change the PIN of your ATM card frequently.
    • Notify KB PRASAC immediately if you become aware that your PIN and/or ATM were stolen or lost, or any unauthorized transaction performed by contact to our customer service via 023/086 999 911.
  5. Rights and Obligations of the Account Holder
    • The account holder (applicant) shall ensure that all information provided to KB PRASAC on ATM card application form(s) is true, correct and up to date.
    • The account holder could perform all kinds of banking services via ATM provided by KB PRASAC and the client’s feedback is most welcomed.
    • The account holder could request for account statement at any KB PRASAC branch or print from Mobile & Internet Banking for a specific period of time determined by KB PRASAC and could request for further explanation if there is any inconsistency.
    • Those applicants who apply for ATM card with KB PRASAC shall ensure the accuracy of the information provided to KB PRASAC, and shall immediately inform KB PRASAC in writing for any change of his/her information, otherwise, any damage or delay is at the client responsibility
  6. Rights and Obligations of KB PRASAC
    • KB PRASAC has the rights to review and verify the applicant’s background and to request further information from applicant if needed. The approval shall be at KB PRASAC sole discretion.
    • KB PRASAC reserves all rights to cooperate with competent authorities to investigate and deactivate the services provided based on the laws or the order of the court.
    • KB PRASAC will make best effort to support the client but KB PRASAC is not liable for any loss or damage resulted from any act of Force Majeure or other specific reason.
    • KB PRASAC reserve all rights to change the fee and other applicable fees depend on it business condition.
    • KB PRASAC will offer its 24 hours hotline supporting service to the client.
    • All information of ATM cardholder will be strictly kept as confidential at all time, unless it is required by the laws, court, or competent authorities.
  7. Anti-Money Laundering and Combating Financial Terrorism
    • The client agrees and is liable to KB PRASAC that your payment transaction being made via ATM does not breach any Cambodian law or any other country jurisdiction.
  8. Miscellaneous
    • KB PRASAC reserves all rights to change these terms and conditions at any time. All relevant stakeholders shall follow the latest terms and conditions. All relevant stakeholders shall follow all provisions stated in these terms and conditions.
    • Any dispute between KB PRASAC and its client shall be resolved amicably. If the dispute cannot be settled, the concerned party may submit complaint to the court of the Kingdom of Cambodia.
    • Other issues that are not stated in these terms and conditions, shall be implemented in accordance with the law of the Kingdom of Cambodia.
    • These terms and conditions are made in Khmer and English. If there is any conflict between to two versions, the Khmer language shall prevail.
    • All relevant parties are deemed to have read and agreed to be abided by all points stated in these terms and conditions.

  1. General Terms and Conditions
    • The General Terms & Conditions of use of Bakong Payment Service, hereinafter referred to as “General Terms & Conditions” is an “Agreement” between Client and KB PRASAC Bank Plc. hereinafter referred to as “KB PRASAC” in connection with the use of Bakong Payment Service.
    • Please carefully read the “General Terms and Conditions” before clicking “Agree” to register to use the Bakong Payment Service.
    • When you click “Agree”, it means that you have read and accepted all terms and conditions stated in this general terms and conditions, and are fully responsible for using the “Bakong Payment Service”.
  2. Definitions of Key Terms
    • The Client: refers to clients who have registered to use the Bakong Payment Service via his/her Mobile phone.
    • Bakong System: refers to a real-time electronic payment which its function is to facilitate inter-bank payment with participants of Bakong System.
    • Bakong App: refers to the Mobile Application that client can download via their mobile phone from iOS or Android.
    • Bakong Account: refers to Khmer Riel and US Dollar E-wallet Accounts which are opened automatically by clients after a successful registration for Bakong via their mobile phone. User Name or Phone Number represents the Bakong Account.
    • Bank Account: refer to Savings Account which clients opened at KB PRASAC.
    • Passcode: refers to a Personal Password of 8 digits (consists of capital letter + small letter + special character + number) using to restore the Bakong Account whenever client changes the mobile device or forget the PIN Code to log in to use the Bakong Payment Service.
    • PIN Code: refers to the 6-digit code which defined by the client for using to log in to use the Bakong Payment Service in the mobile phone.
    • QR Code: refers to Identity Code for Bakong Account, it is used for Receiving, Paying goods and services via Bakong Payment Service. QR Code was created automatically after Client successfully register for Bakong Payment Service.
    • Account ID: represents the Bakong Account of the Client. The Account ID is automatically created when the client registered the Bakong Payment Service.
    • Force Majeure: Refers to any events that are unforeseeable external to the parties, and unavoidable which prevent any party or both parties from performing its obligation as stated in this Agreement such as volcano, flood, earthquake, hurricane, terrorism, riot, war…etc.
  3. Service Registration Requirement
    • Client is at least 16 years old
    • Must have a personal mobile phone (iOS & Android) and phone number.
    • To fill all up-to-date and accurate personal information
    • Take a Real Selfie and Identification Document such as: National Identification Card and Passport valid at least 03 months validity before its expiry date.
    • Must agree to all general terms and conditions for using “Bakong Payment Service”.
  4. Required Information of the Client
    • To register for Bakong Payment Service, the Client is required to provide necessary information for KB PRASAC and confirm that all information provided is true, correct, and up-to-date.
    • The Client agrees to abide by all terms and conditions, be responsible for all information fulfilled and in accordance with the Rules which are stated in the terms and conditions of using Bakong Payment Service.
    • The client acknowledges and agrees that KB PRASAC will disclose the Client’s information, when requested, by a court order or other relevant competent authorities (both local and/or international).
  5. Bakong Account Features
    • Bakong Accounts are automatically created in KHR & USD Currency after client successfully self-registered for the use of Bakong Payment Service via his/her mobile phone.
    • Interest Rate, Initial Deposit, and Minimum Deposit are not required.
    • All deposit and withdrawal transactions from Bakong Account must be made at Counters or other channels of KB PRASAC or Bakong Members. All payment or transfer (send) are made on Client’s Mobile Phone.
    • Fee Charge and Limitation in using Bakong Payment Service is posted on the KB PRASAC official website and/or any KB PRASAC branches and/or Bakong Application.
    • Bakong Account that has been inactive for 365 days (except transaction are made by KB PRASAC) will become a Dormant Account and will be automatically suspended.
    • Bakong Account which has been dormant for 10 consecutive years, the remaining balance will be transferred to the National Bank of Cambodia (NBC) for legal processing.
  6. Type of Bakong Services
    • Transfer between Bakong Account to Bakong Account (within KB PRASAC)
    • Transfer between Bakong Account to Bakong Account (Cross Bank Member)
    • Transfer between Bakong Account to Bank Account (Within KB PRASAC)
    • Transfer between Bakong Account to Bank Account (Cross Bank Member)
    • Pay goods and services via scanning QR Code
    • Balance Enquiry and Bakong Account Statement
    • Other services that may be officially used for actual circumstances.
  7. Deposit and Withdrawal Condition
    • You can deposit or withdraw fund from your Bakong Account at the counter or other channels which allowed by KB PRASAC or Bank Members of Bakong System.
    • You agree to pay the service fee of deposit or withdrawal accordingly to the fee posted on the KB PRASAC Website and/or Bakong Application and/or KB PRASAC branches or others bank members of Bakong System.
  8. Transaction Limit and Service Fees
    • Clients agree to pay the applicable fees related to the use of Bakong Payment Service and allow KB PRASAC to directly debit from your Bakong Account without issuing a prior notice.
    • Client must maintain sufficient balance at all time to do the transaction and comply with KB PRASAC Limitation.
    • All applicable Fees and Limitation are available on KB PRASAC official website: www.kbprasacbank.com.kh, all KB PRASAC branches and Bakong Application.
  9. Operating Hours
    • Client can perform transaction via Bakong System 24 hours per day, unless a notice is given by KB PRASAC.
    • KB PRASAC will notify in case of any interruption of the operation to repair or update the system.
    • KB PRASAC reserves right to postpone the operations if any issues arise or prior cases.
  10. Service Termination
    • Clients are able to terminate Bakong Payment Service by themselves via his/her mobile phone and the Client are not required to visit KB PRASAC Office.
    • Clients are required to withdraw or transfer cash from their Bakong Account to make balance zero in advance before terminating the service.
  11. Passcode and PIN Code Security Tips
    • Choose the Passcode consist in Uppercases, Lowercases, Number and Special character.
    • Must remember your Passcode and PIN Code, or do not write or record it or let anyone else know it.
    • Do not give your Passcode and PIN Code or your personal information to anyone.
    • You are encouraged to change your Passcode and PIN Code frequently.
    • Do not use your Date of Birth, Phone Number, Account Number or Easy to Remember Number as a Passcode and PIN Code to log in Bakong Application.
    •  Make sure that no one is nearby you when you enter your Passcode and PIN Code.
    • Please change your Passcode and PIN Code if you suspect that your Passcode and PIN Code has been discovered by anyone.
    • You must keep your Passcode and PIN Code at a safe place. The damage or loss due to your negligence is fully at your own risk.
    • In case you forget your Passcode and PIN Code, please contact our customer service via 023/086 999 911.
  12. Security Tips of Registered Mobile Phone
    • Please create Password to protect your mobile phone.
    • Do not download or install any unknown software on your mobile phone. In case you connect or install it, you should immediately disconnect or uninstall to avoid Virus and/or Hacking.
    • Do not use your mobile phone installed with Bakong Application with Public Wi-Fi or along with others to avoid hacking.
    • Do not leave your mobile phone with Bakong Application at public venue.
    • Immediately log out the Bakong Application after using Bakong Payment Service.
    • Maintain your mobile phone at a safe place. If your phone is damaged or lost, immediately notify KB PRASAC to suspend Bakong Accounts or take other technical process to prevent fraud.
    • You have to delete the Bakong Application from your mobile phone when you change or sell your mobile phone.
  13. Rights and Obligations of the Client:
    • You have to ensure that all information provided for KB PRASAC to register and use the Bakong Payment Service is true, correct and up-to-date. If the information is incorrect, you are fully responsible before the law.
    • You need to check the detail payment information carefully before confirming the payment. Any incorrect information, account number, excess limit or deficiency shall be your own responsibility.
    • You are fully responsible for using Bakong Payment Service. In case there is loss of money in the personal account or account of another person, whether intentionally or unintentionally or by negligence or by any other give it a trial, invasion, data fraud, direct or indirect fraud or involve with the others, you are responsible before the law of Cambodia.
    • You have to abide by all Terms and Conditions on using of Bakong Payment Service through Bakong System.
    • You allow KB PRASAC to settle the payment unconditionally in case of any complaint/claim to be responsible to the losses or any expenditures that KB PRASAC is responsible to as the result of improper transaction of payment services via Bakong Payment Service, and by the violation over the general terms and conditions of payment services via Bakong Payment Service without permission or fake transaction…
    • You are entitled to get all the types of Bakong Payment Service with an agreement with KB PRASAC and you can inspect the quality of service and give feedback.
    • You are entitled to obtain all the information related to the functions of Bakong Payment Service, the instruction, service fee, interest rate and calculation of relevant fees.
    • You are entitled to ask if there is the discord of Bakong Account report or other transactions.
  14. Rights and Obligations of KB PRASAC
    • KB PRASAC has the rights to review and verify Client’s background and to request further information from Client if needed. The approval of using this service shall be at KB PRASAC right.
    • KB PRASAC will implement the transactions via Bakong Payment Service but KB PRASAC will not be responsible in case you enter incorrect information or account number or surplus or deficiency balance etc.
    • KB PRASAC has rights to cooperate with local authorities to investigate, freeze or stop your Bakong Payment Service with reference to rule of law or court order.
    • KB PRASAC reserves rights to suspend the Bakong Account of the client if the client does not fulfil the correct or sufficient information following the conditions required by KB PRASAC.
    • In event Bakong Payment Service cannot be operated due to force majeure, KB PRASAC will assist you for solutions or assistance according to the accurate reasons, but will not be responsible for those cases.
    • KB PRASAC has right to set up the relevant fees or change the fees according to conditions of businesses.
    • KB PRASAC offers a 24-hour help line, businesses consultations and the report of forgetting passcode or other problems.
    • KB PRASAC will confidentially keep your personal information except as required by law affair or there is a court order.
    • KB PRASAC has right to suspend transactions when there are problems.
  15. Anti-Money Laundering and Combating Financing Terrorism
    • Accepting all the terms and conditions, you agree with KB PRASAC that KB PRASAC can postpone, confine or reject for any transactions without responsibilities in case as below:
    • Any transactions that unlawful of Cambodia or international law.
    • Any transactions that are directly or indirectly related to illegal activities.
    • You agree and are responsible to KB PRASAC that all the payments via Bakong Payment Service do not abuse the law of Cambodia or jurisdiction of other countries.
  16. Service Fee, Limitation, Conditions Amendment and Notifications
    • KB PRASAC reserves the right to amend information, service fee, limitation, and/or terms and conditions relevant to the use of this service by prior notice to the client as required by law.
    • Without written complaint(s) from the Client during the above notice period, it is assumed that you agree and accept the amendment(s) immediately from the effective date of the amendment(s) published through one of below channels:
      • KB PRASAC Office and/or
      • KB PRASAC official Website and/or social media and/or
      • SMS or E-mail and/or
      • Advertisements on newspapers, magazines, KB PRASAC Mobile Banking App, Bakong App or other methods chosen by KB PRASAC etc.
    • The Client is assumed that he/she has received a notification immediately after KB PRASAC has publicly announced via any of the above channels.
  17. Law and Dispute Resolutions
    • These terms and conditions are managed and described by the law of Cambodia.
    • In case of disputes, both parties have to solve them peacefully. If the disputes cannot be done peacefully or outside the court, they have to be solved within the court along with the law of Cambodia.
    • Other issues which are not stated in the provisions have to be implemented with the law of Cambodia.
  18. Severability
    Invalidity or unenforceability of one or more provisions of this Agreement shall not affect any other provision of this Agreement.
  19. Languages
    The general terms and conditions are made in Khmer and English. In case there is any conflict or inconsistency between the two versions, Khmer language shall prevail.

I read and agree to apply the above-mentioned terms and conditions for using Bakong Payment Service.

  1. General Term
    Terms and Conditions of International Fund Transfer are an agreement between customers and KB PRASAC Bank Plc. in relation to requesting an International Fund Transfer transaction via branch, KB PRASAC Corporate or KB PRASAC Mobile. If you agree to use this service, it means that you have read, understood and accepted all the terms and conditions of International Fund Transfer.If you have any questions or are not clear about any point stated in the Terms and Conditions, you may directly call our Call Center at 023/086 999 911 or visit any KB PRASAC branch for further detailed information.

    Please read the following terms and conditions carefully and seek any necessary clarification before completing the transaction of International Fund Transfer.

  2. Key Terms
    The key terms herein as stated in the Terms and Conditions of International Fund Transfer:

    • ‘‘You’’ or ‘‘Your’’
    Refer to the Customer who requested to use the International Fund Transfer Service of KB PRASAC
    • ‘‘Terms and Conditions’’
    Refer to the ‘‘Terms and Conditions of Using International Fund
    • ‘‘The Bank’’ or ‘‘KB PRASAC’’
    Refers to KB PRASAC Bank Plc.
    • “International Fund Transfer”
    Refer to the Outward International Fund Transfer and Inward International Fund Transfer between KB PRASAC and Oversea bank via SWIFT.
    • ‘‘Financial Relationship’’
    Refer to the relationships between you and your company or other companies arising from directly or indirectly holding shares.
    • ‘‘Relationship (R)’’
    Refers to the resident transactor/non-resident transactor is a direct investment enterprise (DIE) of a non-resident transactor / resident transactor who has 10% of share ownership in DIE or more than 10%.
    • ‘‘Non-Relationship (N)’’
    Refers to the resident and non-resident transactors who have no share ownership whatsoever or have share ownership less than 10%.
    • ‘‘Don’t know (DN)’’
    Refer to not know about any financial relationships.
  3. Customer’s Responsibility
    • You must ensure that all information provided to KB PRASAC to request for any transactions of International Fund Transfer is correct and up-to-date.
    • You may check all the information related to the requesting of International Fund Transfer transaction and the related fee clearly before decide to do the transaction.
    • You authorize KB PRASAC to debit from your account for the transfer amount and related fees of using the International Fund Transfer.
    • You understand and accept that KB PRASAC will apply its foreign exchange rate to process International Fund Transfer in foreign currency.
    • You are responsible for providing additional information and/or supporting documents regarding the International Fund Transfer if requested and/or required by the bank or the law.
    • You understand that your application at KB PRASAC’s branch / KB PRASAC Corporate / KB PRASAC Mobile will be submitted to the bank for reviewing and processing the transaction. The bank will contact you for additional information/documents (If necessary).
    • You are responsible for Local and International law and guarantee that you are acting on your own and/or relatives will be under this terms and conditions.
  4. KB PRASAC’s Responsibility
    • KB PRASAC will make transactions of International Fund Transfer in accordance with the information as you requested and provided only.
    • KB PRASAC will not be liable for any losses or costs resulting from insufficient or wrong information given or arising from the correspondent bank’s error, negligence, delay, inability to make payment or arising from any other cause or reason whatsoever beyond KB PRASAC and its correspondent’s control.
    • KB PRASAC may choose to use a correspondent bank to give effect to the instructions of the applicant. A correspondent bank may charge a fee for making the payment to the beneficiary, which will either be deducted from the funds paid to the beneficiary. Where a deduction is made, the beneficiary will receive less than the amount specified in your instruction. If the fee is charged by KB PRASAC, you agree that this fee will be debited from your account.
    • KB PRASAC may suspend, delay, or reject your request if KB PRASAC found that you did not fulfill the requirement or lack of supporting documents​ or information on your requested.
    • KB PRASAC reserves the right to amend the service fees, limit of transaction and other Terms and Conditions of use of the International Fund Transfer and give notice to the client as required by law.
    • KB PRASAC is not responsible for any taxes, duties and other expenses which might occur in the other countries in relation to the fund transfer.
  5. Request of International Fund Transfer
    • You must notify to KB PRASAC for every payment request including request for amendment, investigation, delaying payment, or cancelling funds transfer.
    • You have agreed to compensate to KB PRASAC according to “Indemnity”.
    • You authorized KB PRASAC to debit funds from your account in order to indemnify all claims mentioned above based on the actual situation.
    • In case the International Fund Transfer was rejected or cancelled or returned KB PRASAC will return your funds (after settling all other fees) into your account when KB PRASAC received the funds from the correspondent bank. If the returned fund is in foreign currency, KB PRASAC will apply its exchange rate based on the date of receiving the fund.
  6. Fees charge
    • The fee of International Fund Transfer and other related fees is set by KB PRASAC.
    • You authorized KB PRASAC to deduct fee from your account in order to make payment on the International Fund Transfer (including fee on amendment, cancellation, and investigation) and any other expenses from your correspondent bank.
  7. Confidentiality
    • KB PRASAC will not disclose your personal information, account details or account transactions to a third party, except the following:
      1. KB PRASAC requires information for preparing reports or other relevant activities following local and international law.
      2. In case there is court order from court or authority use for investigating or legal processing related to crime whether you have been involved directly or indirectly.
      3. In case of KB PRASAC’s correspondent request for information and/or documents for their due diligence.
    • You agree that any disclosure of information as mentioned in the above clause will not mean that KB PRASAC is violated to law or material of breach of customer confidential.
  8. Anti-Money laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorism
    You authorized KB PRASAC to postpone, block or cancel the funds transfer instruction without incurring any liability if KB PRASAC or a correspondent bank has found that:

    • Fund is directly or indirectly involved in the proceeds of unlawful conduct.
    • Concern about the sources of fund
    • There is a court order from court or National Bank of Cambodia (NBC).
  9. Indemnity
    • You agree to indemnity and compensate to KB PRASAC or its correspondent bank against all commission fees, claims, losses, costs or expenses which may incur as a result of processing funds transfer.
    • You agree to authorize KB PRASAC to debit funds from your account in order to indemnity all claims as mentioned above based on the actual situation.
  10. Other
    • These terms and conditions are subject to change frequently in order to comply with Cambodia law.
    • These terms and conditions are made in both Khmer and English. If there is any inconsistency between Khmer and English versions, the terms of Khmer version shall be prevail.